Two Left Shoes

Two Left Shoes

Plunge into a passionate love triangle that will set your heart racing. Two Left Shoes is a sexy thriller set in Galveston, Texas, by erotic author Tommie McNeil.

A Passionate Love Triangle

Jason Stone is kind, compassionate, and very wealthy, but he is also controlling, insecure, and even vindictive at times. His much younger wife Lisa is socially liberal, loyal to her friends, and sexually frustrated. Eric Hodges is tall, muscular, handsome, and trapped between the wisdom of his grandmother and his love for a married woman. Open Two Left Shoes and you will quickly become immersed in this illicit love triangle. You’ll laugh, cry, and cheer for the underdog – and you can be sure that you’ll never be bored.

Relevant Social Issues

Two Left Shoes is an erotic feast for the senses, but it also deals with important social issues as they affect the lives of ordinary Galvestonians. This whirlwind tour through the mind of author Tommie NcNeil touches on:

Homophobia | Bullying |Teen Suicide | Domestic Violence | Drug Addiction | HIV in the Heterosexual Community

The Inspiration Behind the Book

Tommie McNeil wrote Two Left Shoes after meeting an English teacher at Galveston Community College. He began taking classes from this teacher, and was inspired to write his first novel. McNeil began writing the book in December 2012, finished it in December 2013, and published it in December 2014. An audio book is forthcoming, so check back soon for details!